Saturday, 23 May 2020

Python Program to read specific elements from a List

What is List in a Python?

List is a collection of elements like a array in C, C++. But array contains all elements of same type, while in a list its not compulsory to have same type of elements.

How to create a List?

Ex. a=list()


list_name=[element-1, element-2,....]
Ex. a=[1, 3.14, "Python"]

How to access the elements of a List?

In Python, list elements can be accessed by indexing. Index value can be integer (Positive or Negative).

Let a be the list containing five elements:

If we print a[0], it will display first number i.e. 10.
For a[2], it will display 30.

If we pass negative value as -1 i.e a[-1], it will display last number (50).
For accessing second last element, put a[-2].

Negative indexing starts from Left to Right.


The following program will print the number as given position.

#Program: To read specific elements from a list
#Author: Hitendra E. Suryavanshi

a=[int(x) for x in input("Enter the numbers:").split()]
pos=int(input("Enter position to access number:"))
print("The No. is :",a[pos])


Enter the numbers:10 20 30 40 50
Enter position to access number:2
The No. is : 30


Enter the numbers:10 20 30 40 50
Enter position to access number:-1
The No. is : 50

Thank You
Hitendra E. Suryavanshi
M.Tech.(IT), BE (IT)

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